Registration and fees

solo dancerWe welcome new members to join our classes in Term 1, 2 or 4. Mid-term enrolments are accepted.

Read information about:

Come and try

The first 2 classes are free for new members. You can apply now for Term 1, 2025.

 Apply for 'Come and try' 2 free classes

When we receive your application, we will contact you with the next steps.

We will send the form to the team manager and coach so they can welcome you and your child to their first class. If you have any questions in the meantime, you can contact us.

Register for 2025

If your child is returning to calisthenics or they have completed their 2 free classes, you can register now.

Complete our online registration form

Registration day

All existing members and new starters are invited to our Registration Day on 28 January. We will run stretch classes for all age groups and equipment fittings. Find out times and details on our Events calendar.

Win a fee discount!

Register using our online registration form before 7 pm on 28 January to go in the draw to win $100 off your child's Term 1 class fees.